The West Bohemian Historical Review journal strongly sees to that the editors, members of the editorial board and reviewers strictly observe the principles of the publication ethics. All information which would enable to identify the contributor’s name are removed before the paper is send to the review process. After it is received, the paper is presented to the editor in chief, who decides if it will be send to the reviewing process and determines the names of two independent reviewers. The papers, which were recommended to print by the reviewers are then without the name of the author and his affiliation send to the editorial board, which finally authorizes it to publication in the next volume of the journal. The final decision about the publication of each paper is reserved by the editorial board, which can also refuse it.


Author Responsibilities

  • authors must ensure that they have written entirely original works,
  • if authors use previously published materials, they must cite them appropriately,
  • authors must ensure that the manuscript has not been issued elsewhere,
  • authors must present all sources used while working on their manuscripts,
  • authors must notify the WBHR, shall they be aware of any conflicts of interest.


Chief Editor Responsibilities

  • chief editors must evaluate and make a decision which of the articles submitted to the WBHR will be published,
  • chief editors must ensure that all the information related to submitted manuscripts are kept as confidential,
  • chief editors must notify the WBHR, shall they be aware of any conflicts of interest,
  • chief editor guarantee that each prospective manuscript is reviewed for its academic content,
  • chief editor will take decisive action if any malpractice is suspected.


Reviewer Responsibilities

  • reviewers must ensure that all the information related to submitted manuscripts are kept as confidential,
  • reviewers must notify the WBHR, shall they be aware of any conflicts of interest,
  • reviewers must report to the Editor-in-Chief shall they be aware of copyright infringement and plagiarism on the authors side,
  • reviewers must evaluate the submitted works objectively as well as present clearly their opinions on the works in a clear way.